«Like moths to a flame, they will always kill each other»
«not self defense he should have stayed in his appartment for good measure. heck he was in there in the first place.»
«If thats your debate you need to look up the definition of self defence.....»
«That was murder not close to anything self defense when he pulled his firearm the threat started to walk away BUT i can understand the friend getting shot because you do not know what he is going to do in that situation. He also appears to have weapons training as you can see the way he positioned his body away from the oncoming friend, discharged some rounds and then finished him off»
«Look how at the end the woman closes the door on his dying crawling husband»
«Of course that was murder. Not in a million years could that be self defense. But hey, those scissors did look pretty sharp...............»
«Clearly murder. The one guy was retreating with his family and the guy opened fire on his back. And then an unarmed guy. Then walked to a downed guy and shot him in the head.»
«It was self defence up until he walked up to the dude he shot the fuck out of and executed him. That’s murder.»
«I dont know, it was 2 against one and the white t shirt guy was holding a scissor .....»