«Vodka+milk= white russian.»
Woman wants this Bottle of Vodka Opened Badly
«Jesoo these wannabe vodka connoisseurs can't even open a fucking bottle of Grey Goose. Retards it's a cork.
They shouldn't be allowed to drink the good shit.»
«Great! That’s all we needed. Another brainless trend that’ll spread to all corners of the modern women cesspool. Strictly pump and dump material.»
«Kamala?! Before she darkened her skin and claim she’s black for victim votes»
«Two hours after this video was taken, Ms. kum Guzzla had her ankles behind her ears and was letting all the jocks with sizeable cocks run an impressive train on her. Congratulations and a sincere thank you to alcohol for letting us see a slut’s true colours.»
«Nice White Christian girl getting drunk to have sex with mixed race mongrols and then marry a White Christian Evangelical who will be raged to commit viloence once he learns his wife was impregnated and aborted a mixed race fetus...»