«"hands behind your back", didn't give him one second to react»
WOW: Vegas Police Shoot WRONG Man! Kill Homeowner Wrestling with Intruder
Diane wright, the deceased's sister is claiming after viewing the same body cam footage her brother did not have a knife in his hand and that the police are saying he had to justify an "unlawful murder", she has supplied the media with a statement to that effect, however the evidence says otherwise
«Let's see! You show up to investigate a burglary in progress in someones house, in the middle of the night and you shoot the fucking guy in his underwear, who looks like he just crawled out of bed, first, and not the guy who is fully dressed and looks like a fucking burglar?!?!»
«This is a forewarning of what Trump's America is
going to look like for the next four years. RIP USA.»
«Cop(very mad)PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!!!./Home intruder(visibly relieved)”Why,certainly,sir!”»
«The dispatcher gave a clear description to the cop before he got there! What a fucking rookie, gets into a stressful situation and crumbles»
«I can't remember , - is it " fuck da' po'lice ' or "call da' po'lice " this week ? You nggers sure are nuanced. I can't keep up with you»
«The man with the knife had the upper hand on the intruder, he wanted to spare him and take the risk of calling the police. This cost him his life. The fact that he trusts the police makes me think he is a Republican. fuck him .»
«They must hire police by their level of retardation. The more retard the more qualified.»
«What a dumb fuck. He has the description, and guy is naked and screaming for help.»
«How do you decide to kill someone without knowing who is the criminal? And then decide on the dude wearing chonies?»
«If you listened to the police radio of the description of the ((perp bad guy )) their supposedly after someone wearing black color sweat shirt & sounds like dark colored pants to go with that dark colored shirt
This is from the police radio dispatch before they enter the house i heard ,
That is relaying the information to the cop before he Even went into the house unfortunately,( He the cop ) must have not been paying attention to the dispatch radio
& instead shoots the guy with white underwear That is more logically likely the Homeowner waking out of bed when he hears a prowler in his house If the cop would have just listened to the dispatch operator instead of running in their gun hoe thinking it doesn't matter I can pick whichever one I want & take them out this could have all been prevented, If he would have paid attention to the dispatch radio go in there knowing first who's the enemy bad guy not just randomly pick & Hope you're correct by a guess after you fired on them let God sort them out is not the right police mentality
If the officer was Paying attention to the dispatch radio The homeowner wouldn't be dead also cops first instinctual kill first ask questions later mentality needs to change maybe along the lines of equal force matched with equal force training & possibly even deescalation training»
«People go invading homes in their underwear all the time. He straight up murdered the victim.»
«Bro's already down with the first shot. Why unload the clip?
Not to mention, bro man had underwear on, why tf would you think that he was the perpetrator???»
«i don't like seeing men in underwear either so i understand the decision »
«Coppers are corrupt as they are stupid, him and his buddies will lie and investigate themselves and find themselves of no wrong doing. Then if the injustice system
gets involved they will make sure he pays for this by giving him a paid vacation and then letting him resign on his own terms.»
«The cops in Murrica are really not that smart. No wonder that everyone wants to kill them.»
«Both of them are black, this was a very tricky operation. So Please bear with this police officer.»
«Retard cop is going to be working at Wendy's after this must have been hopped up on Zyns all night. Thank God for body cams he shot homeowner so many times he might as well had the intruder swap clothes and get in bed. »
«Ye the dude was walking the streets in his boxers.. dumb fucking cop he clearly was in bed»