«What a fucking spineless coward. I hope someone puts him in a coma someday. Just like Mohammad (piss be upon him) would’ve done to his child brides.»
In Some Countries Men attack without any consequences. (Watch Full Video)
What shall we say? What can we do?
«Muslim scum? Who cares they are uncivilised and should receive the same treatment in return lil bitch»
«I'd rather get the shit kicked out of me than rest my head on the lap of the biggest cheese factory in fuckin Guam»
«This is exactly how er should treat each and every one of our young woke ppl! I will definitely slap the shit out of them they get close to me»
«Sad excuse for a male, attacking a defenceless female half his fat ass size while already down, what a hero, pathetic waste of skin.»
«You mean we can't do that in America. OPP'S I DIDNT KNOW. MY BAD»
«Wow, can you believe I heard a lot of women like it when having sex? It's BDSM, BSDM, or BLM, I don't know, i'm virgin like the rest of you.»
«They aren't even all wrapped up lol? Whatever happens to them in those places where they wear them burqas n sheezs?»
«Only pedophile no dick faggots do shit like this. Sounds like a little bitch Russian Muslim. He should be executed!»