«Fucking asshole»
Russian Man Beats Tiny Girlfriend caught on Elevator Video
Duration: 0:42 Views: 60K Submitted: 1 year ago Submitted by:
They seem acquainted or may be she's even his wife. The nature of their conflict is unclear. She says something about "loosing Eva", but it does not seem to matter to the man, something else upset him.
Categories: Crime & Lawlessness Fights, Brawls & Protests
godlovesyou 1 year ago
«That's normal in Russia, that's how they tread their women, even the police don't gave a shit»
Viletree 1 year ago
«I think that's just how Russian men greet their wife every day. He was just letting her know that they're out of vodka and she'll need to pick some up so the kids have something to put on their cereal before they head to panhandle, pickpocket and attack the elderly in the morning.»