«Is this a real one or one of those fake porn ones?»
Russian Mafia Humiliates Female, turning her into a Topless Punk Rocker. Brutal (Watch Full Video)
I hope the Russian people will not be intimidated by such videos and will fight back. And shows the world that they won't let their Russian daughters be humiliated by a pathetic drug mafia.
«What's with all this gay melodramatic music? To show fear without manipulation?»
«Russian faggot cowards would piss themselves if met by actual men.»
«russians are very stupid
those boys in video are stupid, cause they can’t find a better job than drug dealing
And the girl is stupid for dealing drugs)»
«This is the same same things the Bolsheviks jews did to russia , eastern germany, and Eastern Europe»
«The Russkis finally found someone they can beat on....... it's a woman.»
«I thought it was a lesbian who insulted the guy’s girlfriend, who is standing behind, looking satisfied.
Who knows with these Russian FAGGOTS- these disgusting lowlife MF’S. Respect for themselves and anybody else.»
«Same thing happens all over the world sadly, criminals everywhere are all the same. At least she's not dead.»
«Actually they are very nice to her educating her and all. In other countries they just blast your head off or you miss some limbs or fingers»
«Why is the russian penis so small? Is it the cold temperatures?»
«How about teach you stupid kids not to do drugs or mess with the Mafia. Oh wait they're too busy copying everyone else's inventions and making them worse.»
«Men can certainly do stuff making them deserving of such treatment, why not women? Equal Rights, Equal Lefts»
«Stop simping for these wh0res...If The Drug-Mafia is beating her its because she stole from them. DONT STEAL FROM MAFIA.»
«All of these videos showing "russian mafia" ( ???????? ) beating 95lb girls up leads me to believe that they are a bunch of pussy cowards. This bitch probably whoops some ass if she fought back. Lmfao»