Shameless clout demon commandeers a self checkout line wearing less clothing than Kanye West's girlfriend, then contemplates the results. :pepega: :poggers:
Looks like FTV, but theres no results for 'chipotle' or 'double meat'. Nevertheless, those little jugs of hand sanitizer may no longer be suitable when choosing this fine fast food dining establishment as the destination for your next din din...
Flirting is pretty straight forward. Just flick the hair, bat some eyes and let the cringe commence. Becky seems to have turned the dial to 73. Bold choice, but if this is a repeat incident then shes filling more bucketlists than bungee jumping.
"gwendoll+xox". Technically a one-and-done by mid-2010's standards, but her popularity was ballistic at the time. Look hard enough and you can [find more]
Don't let that cunning smile fool you. This girl has zero love for her significant other & hotel room upholstery. As illustrated somewhere between the 4th & 19th uppercut to her cervix by the newcomer. something something hpy anniversary?
Chances of this happening in real life are low, but not zero. Never underestimate the combination of a fresh McGriddle & Riverside California public transportation.
An emphasis on the cardiovascular system, and showing off better grip than David Tyree in the 2008 Superbowl. Pornographic content that incentivizes you to get your ass in shape really is an untapped market. Someone look into that.
· There are 86 divorces per hr compared to 230 marriages per hr
· Estimates say 41% of first marriages will end with a divorce
· As many as 60% of second marriages will not make it
Daria Morgendorffer is kicking her OKCupid profile up to a new level. And trust me, the fedora tipping gets real when this m'lady strays away from r/gaming for the first time in history and goes Obi-Wan Kenobi on her Alabama hot pocket.
He may have less testosterone than a handbag full of Midol. But what he lacks in machismo, he makes up for in... well. Nothing. Man just managed to end both his marriage and access to driving a gas powered vehicle in a single vid. Impressive?
If anything at all, this should teach you that double fisting a pair of white Monsters before shooting your debut sex tape is an idea that at least deserves a second thought. Calm the fuck down Magnus, this is supposed to be a duet.
idk what fucking fetish we're even witnessing here, but it seems to exclusive to a part of the world that considers brain damage a form of roleplay. If this awakens something inside u, I suggest your next investment be heavily in favor of $ROPE.
The old guard of European crotch grinders really were on a different level. All natural, all interested, & all willing to job a knob in front of unsuspecting bovines.
I've been seeing this Jade Kink individual popping up all over the tubes for a long time now, and I gotta say; Her upbringing must have had more disappointments than a trailer park family reunion. Fucking girl is out of her piss-drinking mind...
It'll never meet the legendary aura of [bad times at the bachelorette party] because... well, nothing will. But comparing is the thief of joy, and we shouldn't let $27 worth of content think tanking go to total waste here. She gets my vote.