Police Rescue Kidnapped Girl that Was Beaten and Abused for Days by Serial Kidnapper.

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Duration: 2:30 Views: 98K Submitted: 1 year ago Submitted by:
Police rescued a woman who was held hostage in a garage for days.

A convicted kidnapper was accused of holding the 23-year-old woman against her will for four days in Akron, Ohio.

Police body-cam video captured the arrest and rescue. A WEWS reporter spoke with the woman's mother, who said her daughter was beaten beyond recognition.

Authorities arrested William Mozingo Junior, who was heard on the video, continuing to profess his love for 23-year-old Chloe Jones before he was taken to jail. Jones carefully crawled down from a ladder from a plywood platform inside the garage, where police were waiting.

"He would cuddle her in between beatings," Jones' mother, Jessi Barham told WEWS.

Barham said Mozingo Junior beat her daughter with a baseball bat and fists and even threatened to slit her throat.

"He doused her in gasoline and was threatening to catch her on fire," Barham told the outlet.

Jones didn't feel comfortable talking about her experience. Her mother showed WEWS a picture of her daughter, showing her eyes blackened and swollen shut.

Barham told the station that Jones had been missing for four days and called from the hospital.

"She said that she had been abducted, she said she had a broken arm and her face had fractures," Barham explained to the outlet.

The homeowner called 911, and said Mozingo Junior and Jones were discovered by her husband five hours earlier. The homeowner, who called Mozingo Junior their good friend, declined an interview with WEWS, but claimed she met the young woman on more than three occasions. Jones, however, disputed the claim.

"He used to live here. He paroled here at one time before he went back," the homeowner told WEWS.

"Had a conversation online, she was going to go hang out with him, she, actually, I found out she got a ride to his place," Barham told the station.

Mozingo Junior had been in prison three times for kidnapping, twice in Stark County, Ohio. He also spent time at Lorain Correctional for drug possession.

"My daughter is never going to be the same - her life as she knows it is over because he was allowed to walk out on these streets and that is not acceptable," Barham told the outlet.

Mozingo Junior faces charges including kidnapping, unlawful restraint and felonious assault.
Categories: Crime & Lawlessness
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
1 +1 LouSaneous 1 year ago

«He's got poor taste. She's ugly! Probably the only penis she ever had.»

10 +1 Pove 1 year ago

«The videos I wanna watch are cunts like this guy getting his arms tied around a good strong tree and his legs bound to the hook of a WARN EVO 10..... THEN- collect that winch as slow as it'll go ! GEEEZ ...! I'd watch that video if it took 4 hrs to slowly rip that fucker apart. BUT ..... that's after watching him get his eyes blacked up with a baseball bat first ! - Let's have it right.»

1 +1 UseOnlyInWellVentilatedSpaces 1 year ago

«held against her will for four days in Akron, Ohio. At least he could have taken her to Cleveland!»

1 +1 Blowjob420 1 year ago

«Zombies live among us»

2 +1 MapleLeafsFan 1 year ago

«Some peoples neuron receptors just ain’t firing properly or ain’t working at all That’s pretty messed up..»

4 +1 DA2 1 year ago

«STFU you moron, your "belief" is like your asshole dirty and rancid.»

10 +1 michealjordan96 1 year ago

«I never believe the news, and rarely believe women's back stories. I bet this dumb bitch isn't as innocent as she's made out to be. Both women and men do dumb shit,....and women will run off with someone like Mozingo based on delusion and fucked confused emotions, only for shit like this to happen. Remember tinder swindler,.....and most recently Carlee Russell. Remember Amber Turd? A quick google search of "teens lying about being abducted" will send back a search of 99% girls/women. So again,....when I see shit like this,....I wonder what her not so innocent part is in getting herself in this situation. The SIMP/feminist media always tries to paint a one sided bias story,......but when the truth eventually comes out,......I'm usually left thinking, you stupid bitch, you did this to yourself with your choices and actions.»

24 +1 FucYew 1 year ago

«Clearly she's a victim, has 2 black eyes, frail can barely walk and they ask if she has any weapons on her. Hope they do to that guy what he did to the girl in jail.»

4 +1 Blowjob420 1 year ago

«@FucYew His 4th visit for kidnapping apparently you get 9 chances»