«Meth is bad Mkay»
Tough Guy in Louisiana gets out of Car to Taunt Large Alligator..
«Gators like to travel and they all kinda look the same. And they will eff you up.»
«hes lucky it wasnt thhoses 7 ft long 700 lb big giant crocs he woould have died in an insant»
«what a dumb idiotic moron loser. you deserve that i hope the alligator bit through you leg bones and completely fucked you up, why mess with an alligator when its not messing with you asshole.»
«I really do wonder what's going through the mind of people like this. He's not the first and won't be the last to stupidly fuck with a dangerous animal and get fucked up. But again,....I wonder what's behind the stupidity. Drugs? Mentally wired in a weird way? Both? What fuels this type of stupidity?»