«White angel wings for me.»
MEGA 2024 Compilation of Girls SEXY FREAKY Halloween (18 Different Girls who's your Fav))
«This is one helluva Halloween costume though! I wonder who she is?
«Ignorant little boys like ignorant Godless whores. That's why this crap keeps getting posted. Nothing but ignorant Godless little boys with zero taste in women. If you truly want to go after these whores, go ahead, but they will destroy your life.»
«The masturbation scenes ruined an otherwise great video. Why do people insist on putting full-blown porn on this website? That's not why we come here.»
«all WORTHLESS scumsuckers bound for hell for real.
these will be resurrected in these bodies and be placed in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.
do not lust after them. if you do you're a fool.. and you'll join them suffering the wrath of god.. who is holy.. and who is almighty.»