«I wouldn't listen to anyone who looks like a ginger Guy Fieri.»
Witness Warned Police About Trump Gunman! Why wasn't he stopped?
«Well, in PA they have an open carry law so if they would’ve stopped him it would infringe on his 2nd amendment right. That’s the same right that you republicantards love to hide behind»
«All I say is that the Lad either had no scope attached,or had no clue how zero it in.»
«Looks like he got a hair transplant that's donor region was Trump's own rusty red taint»
«There he is, right up there!!! There he a shootins agains. There he is. He's...... "Up On The Roof!!!!!!!"»
«One inch over a hundred n ten metres - man that 20 year old deserves some kind of medal n better luck next time»
«Whos is going to believe anything a dipshit wearing a red cap with trumps name on it? That moron has been out in the sun too long.»
«The security team's negligence was so egregious; Trump almost became a human piñata.»
«There would have been a grid of drones hovering using tech we can't comprehend. Zero chance of line of sight on Trump. This story is as believable as the Vegas shooting.»
«Because they are aware of how slow his worshippers are. Thats why they diddnt do anything.»
«When Crooks was 17 he made a $15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing. The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote.»
«just keeps getting more crasy in the US. signs of a failing state. I couldn't care less. Hey don't blame Biden. He's lucky to get off the frontpage after his moron debate. Things will get interesting from now on. Any volatility in the financial markets is a win. keep up the good work, keep calling yourself heroes or whatever and agitate each other in full distrust»
«The police won't ever help anything. The only thing they are good for is extorting the American people.»