«This is a fake video. You can see the cut at around 2 seconds right after he makes the left turn. Watch how the phone suddenly appears on his dash stand.»
Man loses Control and Drowns in a River
«Meanwhile he had at least 2 head rests that are designed to break glass for just such an emergency.»
«Staged... Its not that hard to hold a door open enough until the water pressure equalizes in water that deep. And power windows dont suddenly stop working because they get wet.»
«This is an old clip, and was exposed as a training exercise.
Note the camera in the rear "conveniently" facing forward.»
«And the most important: try to remember even further when you were a sperm swimming for your life in a sea of shit from your mom's anus to her vagina, just because a man found a drunk whore passed out. You can do it, remember you used to be the best.»
«DON'T PANIC!!! After the car is almost full of water, you can open the door very easy because with water on both sides of the door, there is no longer pressure from outside. But if you panic... you may have forgotten to take one last proper breath before diving out of the vehicle. By the way, you can buy a tiny "glass breaker" for your keychain for just $1-2.»
«How did he keep the phone from getting wet so it worked at the end there?? Also, Davey Jones just harvested another soul»
«Juat hold your breath until someone shows up.
Remember when you were in the womb for 9 months in a sac of water... »
«It took a lot of extra steering and accelerating to get into the water. Then once hitting the water, watch him look back and forth like 3 times at nothing. He's acting and it's fake.»
«If you’re going to kick that window like a girl, at least kick it like a big girl»
«There were literally a 100 ways he could have saved his own life. I call fake!»
«First thing one learns is roll down the windows en let the water in, cause you'll never open that door.»