«IIIIIIIIIIIIY ! Ifeel so alive, and I think I can fly! Everyone would have dropped a deuce if he came back on afterburner and buzzed them.»
African Witch Doctor perfuming Ritual to FLY, Fails
«I bet he was high as fuck both times.
First when he told the whole village he would do it,....and here when he fell to his death.
I wonder what the drug of choice was?»
«What a fool - he should of known flying would be difficult with bags of extra weight - he should of at least tried flapping like a budgie»
«I think a lot of us tried to go super Saiyan as kids. I figured as an adult you'd be smart enough to know you fkn can't dawg ????»
«No matter how strongly you believe you can fly, always test the theory from ground level. Same goes for acid trips....»
«It's 4 dings of the bell to fly.. 25 dings is the plummet to death spell»
«And yet another new one for india. Number 10247 in "ways to die in india." Bravo.»