«He's one of the good ones»
Drunk Karen Gets her Man KO'd at Steelers Game (Who Thinks She Should have Been KO'd Too?)
«Why do woman think they can strike a man and not get clobbered after. If this was my girlfriend I would have let her take the punches!!»
«I don't understand why these stupid bitches think they can hit a man and not get hit back
He should have broke her jaw»
«Patrice O Neil tried to teach men to control their bitch before shit like this happens. Your dumb bitch mouths off to man. She can't physically beat him, but mouths off without thinking off pure emotion...and then expects you to jump in and take a ass whoopin/defend her for some shit you had nothing to do with. FUCK THAT SHIT. Like Patrice said "Control your bitch"......or.....let her fight her own physical battles against men. Let her fight her own battles and then maybe a couple ass whoopins by men that are tired of these bitches thinking they can mouth off and act a fool with on consequences...maybe a few hard hits from men will jog that stupid bitches brain to use self control with her emotions before takes another beat down.
Her boyfriend is clearly a SIMP and the woman in this relationship. He got knock out for what? He defended her why? Just because they're together,.....this dumb bitch really thinks a man should step in and defend her no matter what? She can go start shit with anyone and he's just supposed to jump in like captain save a ho and take a beat down for something he had nothing to do with. Only a dumb ass pussy whooped SIMP.»