Drug Videos

  • TikTok Was Always A Mistake

    That soundtrack was pretty banging. Wanna know what's not though? Whatever the fuck crawled in or out of that man's anal cavity at the start of the video. I haven't seen that kind of wreckage since the great crave crate challenge of '97.

    Date: 12/06/23 Views: 178,741 Category: Drugs

  • "THAT" Bachelor Party Video

    1 part hypebeast, 14 parts herpes simplex two. Surely my user base doesn't need a PSA on the reasons not to raw dog a girl that considers Fruit Stripe gum a luxury item. But just in case I've given too much faith, do not try this one at home.

    Date: 04/30/22 Views: 442,603 Category: Drugs

  • Officially GOING TOO FAR

    Alternate working title: 3.5 Minutes in San Fransisco

    Date: 04/24/22 Views: 238,060 Category: Drugs

  • Legal in Colombia

    2:13 mark. That is all.

    Date: 04/20/21 Views: 253,468 Category: Drugs

  • Hey, I Know You From TikTok

    The original file is fratparty.mp4 but that's obviously a misspelling. Judging by her bloodtype being Type-WhiteClaw, I bet that brapper was one harmony away from auditioning for American fucking Idol before she fell asleep in that bathtub.

    Date: 03/21/21 Views: 217,771 Category: Drugs

  • Not Her Proudest Moment

    Take a culture that considers Rick and Morty comedy, crossbreed them with an addiction to experimental street drugs & this is the result. I haven't seen someone this confused w/ the flavor in their mouth since Wendys started selling breakfast.

    Date: 11/18/20 Views: 234,284 Category: Drugs

  • Alabama's Most Wanted

    She's drunk and/or high on discounted opiates... both of which explain why she's being tenderized like manager's special hotdog meat. Double bag it. Just in case.

    Date: 08/01/19 Views: 329,322 Category: Drugs