«Always angry Black people over nothing.»
Couple Dry Humping on Public Beach Get Served by Angry Parents
«Would've liked to have seen him whip 2 coons and a wigger. If you're gonna act alpha better back it up instead of hiding behind your girl.»
«Too bad PE wasn't there. Public Ejaculator would've showered them both with his joy of perversion.»
«This is why America is a shithole: violence is an attitude to such an extent that seeing a couple cuddling enrage people.»
«The guy running up after he picked up the water bottle would have gotten said water bottle to the face. They weren't doing anything illegal....yet....don't start shit with someone then get all surprised when they don't take your bullshit.»
«All those dickheads are just jealous. She's a hot women cant blame him »