«Quackccines, safe and effective.»
Girl has Horrific Reaction After Being Forced to Get 3 Vaccines at Same Time.
Update. Lexi says Drs are saying she can’t record!
Lexi went to hospital for headaches due to having a blood disorder PNH. They refused to treat her unless she was up2date on vaccines. she hadn’t had any since she was a child. They gave her 3 in one go. This is wt happened
It's called, do harm first, and then run. It's the modern-day medical system. It must change, and they must be held accountable so that this never happen again.
she’s getting worse
«You World Watch dopes would blame the exploding Lebanese pagers on vaccines.»
«I searched for images of Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, the disease she has. It looks exactly like what she's presenting.
«If you are looking for sources on a video, think of a few descriptive words to describe what you just watched, then put them in your search bar, press enter and Presto, you should have your fucking answer!!! lol»
«Name, Alexis Lorenze, for the fuckheads who are too lazy to figure out her name, in the comments»
«You just know all the moneybox vaccine injected libs on this site are gonna take any shot cnn recommends for them,which is a good thing tbh»
«Give us her name so we can see if your anti-vaxx story is fake or not.»
«Please leave your source in the description cause people on the Internet believe fucking everything»
«Lol the shit y'all believe is hilarious
She actually just found out she's trans and her body is rejecting her feminity»
«I know for a fact that this is the side effect of voting for trump. I heard about it on Facebook so it it must be a fact.»
«No one should be forced to vaccinate, as long as they stay away from the rest of society. I support everyone’s rights to die from stupidity.»
«You have to remember. "The hospitals are NOT about healing, they are about $$$" !!»
«Her condition causes immunodepression. The vaccines are administered to prevent infection, 3 in one go is standard. She had a one in a million reaction to one of it's components. She will be fine. Believe me you'd rather have a swollen head for a few days than meningitis or pneumonia. Go to her TikTok (lexxvuitton), you can see in the last vid she is already getting better. You're welcome.»