«Seems staged .... who enters a house like that and gets disarmed like a lil kid»
Amazing how these Feminists "Don't Need No Man" until they NEED a Man.
«@deadtedw "Strong women" is an oxymoron, bitches weak af, thats why they need men to save their asses all the time.»
«I hate western women..... most are fucking losers. Put them in a "developing nation", one month max they'd be crying to comeback to the west were they can bitch, complain, and abuse privileges they've taken for granted their whole life.»
«honstly, that guy needs to leave that girl forever!!! dont stay with here she doesnt give a fuck about you bro she would leave you to die for the zombies. thats the type of unloyal whores we dont want»
«Way to twist an incident into an anti-feminist agenda. Well done, idiot.»
«Yeah it's a balance. Her man would be dead if she wasn't cooking and feeding him.»