«just one bad Day can regret the rest of your life»
SHOCKING: Guy Explains on Live Video Murdering his Girlfriend and Ex-Wife Before Killing Himself
«As a 21 year old man, these little boys that call themselves men are weak as hell There is no discipline anymore, they all grew up so easy and just want the easy way out of everything. Absolutely embarrassing. A real man will pursue education to better himself and work his way up the latter out the rat race. Those who don't have the intellectual capacity to do so are the ones that commit such crimes. Eugenics needs to become reality, we need to eradicate each and every one of those who don't pass a certain IQ threshold, and we need to stop disabled people especially those with down syndrome, autism, and dwarfism to stop reproducing. This cannot go on for much longer. Once a generation is tainted by violence and lack of discipline, it takes 2-3 generations to fix it. But the ability to fix a generation can be brought down to less than a decade with proper Eugenics. Horrid world, horrid.»
«Awww... Poor overly emotional snowflake.. Wahhh... wahh.. my life sux cuz of wiminz.. What a grade-A pussy!!»
«Women's super power is being annoying as fuck and pushing buttons. It's a horrible gift given to them by nature. They're lucky more men aren't like this guy. They think is cute, fun, and funny,...........until they meet a guy like this. Most women are adult children,...it makes sense,....you probably should act like the thing you're responsible for giving birth to. The two need to be able to relate. Like a child, most women are very emotional and reactive.....in the moment,....emotional and not thinking about or caring about the long term effects of what they do. Men are usual logical,......UNTIL......pushed to the edge/breaking point, where men then go back to primal emotion. And that's when people die. Women think it's a game until shit like this happens.»