«Just another useless gash looking for attention. They should’ve left her ass up there to teach her a lesson.»
Utah Woman Brings TDS to a Whole New Level... Climbs Power Lines because she "Doesn't Feel Safe"
«Maan fuck her. They should've beat her ass. Id slap the shit out of her once soon as she had both feet on the ground»
«Was hoping she would spontaneously combust but I guess only smelly Indians die to electricity.. damn modern infrastructure »
«Ouch! Imagine it... she's got a 22,000 volt line between her piss flaps.»
«She was taken to the local hospital where they injected a brain in through her ear»
«Convicted Felon Traitor Trump, the Insurrectionist, and Russian Spy will not survive this term.????????????»
«I'm sure she'll be much safer hanging upside down from a industrial voltage transformer 50 feet above the ground»