«I bet he can suckk a golf ball through a garden hose. »
Girl got her Entire Hand Stuck Down Boyfriend's Throat Playing a Game
Duration: 0:11 Views: 41K Submitted: 1 day ago Submitted by:
A young couple was trying to imitate a funny joke on the Internet when the girl accidentally got her hand stuck in the boy's mouth and eventually had to go to the hospital for help.
OwMyBawls 1 day ago
«I had something similar happen with my brothers wife and my fist. Needless to say, thanksgiving was memorable.»
bagofsticks 1 day ago
«He was later treated at the hospital with a solution of horse semen and KY jelly to aid in the removal of his wife's fist from his orifice.»
46HIALEAH46 1 day ago
«The last time this happened, it was not his mouth her entire arm was in, it was the other hole...»