«Mismatched tits and a stretched out pussy = UGLY.......»
Best Bikini of the Year so Far..this is Hot
«No thanks. She looks like she’s retarded and that hairline doesn’t help. Useless whore.»
«Good Christian girl flaunting what GAWD gave her and what makes JESUS weep»
«She doesn’t look legal. I’m sure if you watched more than 5 sects you are now on a kiddy porn list. Watch your backs!»
«Fake tits loose gaping cunt and soulless eyes.
Hard pass that one can stay on the streets»
«Lolol the dog at 20ish seconds came out, saw her and took the fuck off so fast.
"OH no hell nah, this bitch is about to break out the peanut butter again and I can still taste the fish from last time fuck this"»
«She looked touched a little bit maybe just a little down syndrome, her sweet turd cutter made up for it though»
«Fake titties, fake pussy! Oh, and fugly! This is the notorious Tranny named Manny who likes dick in the fanny.»