'); document.write(''); } else if ('dark' == 'mixed') { document.write(''); document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); document.write(''); } document.write('');
«Mom i can't go to school I've got a bumper of a headache»
«ya yes fun in the slum...»
«i love helmets»
«That kid did not survive...sad waste of life.»
«Not my interpretation of "Road Head".»
«Six Flags Brazil»
«They just can't wait to die .»
«Good thing it happened in a 3rd world country or the family would probably try to sue the owner.»
«Only in America LOL.»
«@half.wombat.4444@maildrop.cc that's not America you dumb fuck foreign cuck that's 3rd world immigrant trash city»
«imagine hitting the pothole on the other side, if i had to choose id rather hit the parked car than the pothole,»