4 Israeli Chicks Captured by Hamas... GEEZ! (But, Who are they Really?)
«Anyone acts happy when happy and sad when sad.
I’m Arab against Israeli actions and I hope for a 1 state solution where all are equal! And not call it Israel! That name is as discussing as nazi name or Hitler name. Same same same.
Anyways back to the point.
These girls are acting like any man under the same situation as them!
I must however say, that they are treated surprisingly well compared to the captured Palestinian civilians that time and again gets raped and killed under there captures gentle care.
So all in all, they have it better than the Palestinians ever had it, even before this conflict.
Ppl say this is the reason Israel is demolishing Gaza.
Yeah right! Can you explain why hamas would take the actions they are taking, knowing they are fighting a faaaaaar superior military force and they could predict what would happened with ease.
Why then do you think Hamas did what they did.
The short and simplified version is simple!
It was a prison riot!
When a countries ppl are subjected by another country and taken over and split down the middle and then they are left as 10th grade citizens in there own country.
Constantly killed robbed beaten and they have no justice.
Even international law is constantly officially broken yet when the Palestinians finally gets enough every now and again and explodes (literally!) in frustration over the murder of there loved ones with no legal recourse or justice served, then we blame them when they get tired of the global community’s never ending talks without ever implementing what comes out of the talks.
And they take to action!
Imagine anyone in your family getting killed, and the justification they officially use and it is accepted is! He was 300m away throwing a rock towards the military vehicle! Oh and by the way turns out, it was a 10 year old kid throwing the rock.
But that is a justified response in the eyes of Israel, and the US.
This is why the world is shifting away from the west!
There hypocrisy is all out in the open, and well known.
I predict at very hard time coming for the west!
I hope the world will grow closer together much faster than they already are, (it’s already pretty fast! But I’m like a kid in a candy shop!! As soon as it really starts, I will move from Denmark to Russia.)
against the west!
Looking very forward to the coming time.
I just hope that something very bad happens to the guilty countries.
Civil war in the US is almost a 100% sure thing this election. Also looking forward to that
I suspect that this is the year of the fall of the west!
Booom bastic!»
«They captured a women only troop? Hmmmm..... I wouldn't trust shit coming from either side if my life depended on it, especially shit coming from Jews, these people are shadier than Gypsies.»
«i love the description applies to the chronically online too»
«The IDF would never harm a female Muslim captive. Only a person of the Islamic faith would do such things to a female.»
«Freya is bij hen.
Freya is with them.
Freya ist bei ihnen.
All hail freya»
«They won't have to worry about being raped. Muslims rather fuck a pig instead of a Jew lol»
«Second from right forgot to stop smiling.!
Either that or she's really into BDSM & all this torture has her kipper soggy.!?
Or they really are prisoners.?
Who the fuck can tell nowadays.?..
Unfortunately for the true victims, we've been lied to, misled & deceived so often by governments & media that a lot of us have just stopped caring.!
We see a video like this & we immediately think "Cui Bono" rather than "Poor Victims"...»
«And 3,000 little Arab terrorist babies should die for each one of these ladies that was hurt.»
«i wouldnt trust the ''hostage'' pics tbf, i am still waiting for the ''30 beheaded new born babies'' pictures to be released,»
«Muslims are jealous they won't fuck them with their dirty, uncircumscribed little dicks»
«fool tiktok soldiers should stay at home and you are right Karelin woman should not be in combat. now face the hamas power and learn something better than dancing.»
«These hoes could have easily been part of the gang of bloodthirsty dogs that are so prevalent in the israhell colony before they were captured. Foreign joos (much like isis) tend to bring along their families to the lands they colonize and pillage. And also like isis, the whole family has a part in robbing, displacing, and murdering those whom they can victimize. All members of the family armed to the teeth and willing to kill.»
«I heard they raped them, cut their boobs while raping and stabbing them. Ouchsies.»
«Women sometimes have to be in combat the world isn't a perfect black-and-white place.»
«So? Are you trying to insinuate that just because they are IDF and were enjoying their lives when Hamas slaughtered over 1000 innocent civilians, men, women, and children, they are not hostages?
Have the animals of Hamas abused them? Yes. Have they been forcefully taken from their homes and familiar surroundings? Yes. Does their imprisonment, and subsequent use as bargaining chips make them hostages? Yes. How do I know? Here is the definition of hostage:
"a person seized or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition."
Check, check, and check.»